SW Gainesville recently sold homes

SW Gainesville is a newer part of town with some very popular areas such as Haile Plantation, the largest planned community in the area. In SW Gainesville, you will typically find more recent subdivisions & homes built in the past 20-30 years.

Also in SW Gainesville is the Archer Rd corridor, with tons of retail & restaurants, and the main Shands Hospital complex.

Cobblefield recently sold homes
Gainesville Country Club recently sold homes
Haile Plantation recently sold homes
Abbey Glen recently sold homes
Anglewood recently sold homes
Anglewood Rep recently sold homes
Arredondo Estate Unit 2-A recently sold homes
Arredondo Estates recently sold homes
Arredondo Estates 1 recently sold homes
Arredondo Estates 4 recently sold homes
Arrowhead recently sold homes
Arrowhead Add 1 recently sold homes
Audubon Park recently sold homes
Audubon Park Rep recently sold homes
Avalon Ph I recently sold homes
Avalon Ph Ii recently sold homes
Avalon Phase 1 recently sold homes
Avalon Phase Ii recently sold homes
Avalon Phase Ii Unit 2 recently sold homes
Balmoral recently sold homes
Bevilles Add to Gv recently sold homes
Biltmore Ph 1 recently sold homes
Black Acres recently sold homes
Brytan recently sold homes
Brytan Ph 1 recently sold homes
Buckingham East recently sold homes
Buckingham South recently sold homes
Burritt Estates-in Napier Gran recently sold homes
Cambridge Forest recently sold homes
Carlton Court recently sold homes
Carriage House Lane recently sold homes
Chachala Park recently sold homes
Cheney Walk Estates recently sold homes
Cheney Walk Estates Ph 1 recently sold homes
Cheney Walk Estates Ph 2 recently sold homes
Chesnut Village recently sold homes
Chesnut Village Ph I recently sold homes
Chesnut Village Phase Ii Pb 35 Pg 74 recently sold homes
Chestnut Village recently sold homes
Chestnut Village Ph Ii Pb 35 Pg 74 recently sold homes
Clinch Grant D L recently sold homes
Clinch Grant D L or Walls Tr recently sold homes
Cobblefield recently sold homes
Cobblefield Unit Ii recently sold homes
Cobblefield/Hedingham recently sold homes
Cobblefield/Pembridge recently sold homes
Colclough Hill recently sold homes
Colclough Hill 1st Addn-Clinch Grt recently sold homes
Country Club recently sold homes
Country Club Est. Mcintosh Grt recently sold homes
Country Club Estate Mcintosh Grt recently sold homes
Country Club Manor recently sold homes
Country Club Manor Unit Ii recently sold homes
Country Club West recently sold homes
D L Clinch Grant Serenola recently sold homes
Eloise Gardens Ph 1 recently sold homes
Eloise Gardens Ph 2 recently sold homes
Eloise Gardens Phase 1 recently sold homes
Estates of Wilds Plantation recently sold homes
Fairfield Ph I recently sold homes
Fairfield Ph Ii recently sold homes
Farms of Kanapaha recently sold homes
Finley Woods recently sold homes
Finley Woods Ph 1 recently sold homes
Finley Woods Ph 1b recently sold homes
Finley Woods Ph 1c recently sold homes
Finley Woods Ph 2 Pb 38 Pg 3 recently sold homes
Fletcher Height recently sold homes
Fletcher Heights recently sold homes
Fletcher Heights Unit Ii recently sold homes
Fletcher Heights Unit Iii recently sold homes
Fletcher Park Cluster recently sold homes
Fort Clark Forest recently sold homes
Gainesville Porters Add recently sold homes
Garison Way recently sold homes
Garison Way Ph 1 recently sold homes
Garison Way Ph 2 recently sold homes
Gloria's Way recently sold homes
Glorias Way recently sold homes
Golf View Estates recently sold homes
Golfview recently sold homes
Grand Oaks recently sold homes
Grand Oaks (Gainesville) recently sold homes
Grand Oaks (of Gainesville) recently sold homes
Grand Oaks at Tower recently sold homes
Grand Oaks at Tower Ph 2 Pb 37 Pg 63 recently sold homes
Grand Oaks at Tower Ph 3 Pb 38 Pg 70 recently sold homes
Grand Oaks at Tower Ph I Pb 35 Pg 68 recently sold homes
Grand Preserve at Kanapaha Pb 36 Pg 1 recently sold homes
Grande View Estates recently sold homes
Granite Parke recently sold homes
Green Leaf Unit 2 Replat 1 recently sold homes
Greenleaf recently sold homes
Greenleaf Unit 1 Rep recently sold homes
Greenleaf Unit 2 Rep 3 recently sold homes
Gwynn Oak recently sold homes
Haile Forest recently sold homes
Haile Forest Unit 1 recently sold homes
Haile Plantation recently sold homes
Haile Plantation (Preserve) recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Century Oaks recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Spalding Place recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 10 Ph I recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 10 Ph Ii recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 12 Ph I recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 12 Ph Ii recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 16 Ph I recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 18 Ph 1 recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 18 Ph Iii recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 19 Ph I recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 19 Ph Ii recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 19 Ph Iii recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 23 recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 24 recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 25 Ph I recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 25 Ph Ii recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 25 Phase I Pb P-59 recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 26 Ph I recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 26 Ph Ii recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 30 Ph 1 recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 30 Ph Ii recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 31 recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 33 Ph 1 Rep recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 33 Ph 1-A recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 33 Ph I recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 33 Ph Ii recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 34 Ph 3 recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 34 Ph 4 recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 34 Ph 5 recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 34 Ph 6 recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 34 Ph I recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 34 Ph Ii recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 35 Ph 1 recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 35 Ph 6 recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 35 Ph Ii recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 35 Ph Iii recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 36 Ph 2 Rep recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 36 Ph 3 recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 36 Ph 4 recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 36 Ph 6 recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 36 Phase 5 recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 6 Ph Ii recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 8 Ph I recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 8 Ph Iii recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 9 Ph I-A recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 9 Ph I-B Rep recently sold homes
Haile Plantation Unit 9 Ph Iii recently sold homes
Haile Plantation, Unit 35, Phase 4 recently sold homes
Haile Plantation/ Cameron Park recently sold homes
Haile Plantation/Chickasaw Way recently sold homes
Haile Plantation/Katelyn Lane recently sold homes
Haile Plantation/Preston Wood recently sold homes
Hammock Ridge recently sold homes
Hammock Ridge Unit 1 The recently sold homes
Hammock Ridge Unit 2 recently sold homes
Hammock Ridge Unit 3-B recently sold homes
Hammock Ridge Unit 3-D recently sold homes
Hammock Ridge Unit 3-E recently sold homes
Hammock Ridge Unit 3-F recently sold homes
Hammock Ridge, Unit Iii-F recently sold homes
Hammock Rodge Unit 2 The recently sold homes
Hayes Glen recently sold homes
Hayes Glen Unit 2 recently sold homes
Haystack Rep recently sold homes
Hickory Forest recently sold homes
Hickory Forest 1st Add recently sold homes
Hickory Forest 2nd Add recently sold homes
Hicksons Sub recently sold homes
Holly Forest recently sold homes
HP-Grahams Mill recently sold homes
HP-Haile Plantation recently sold homes
HP-Indigo Square recently sold homes
HP-Preston Wood recently sold homes
HP-Retreat Place recently sold homes
HP-Storeys Round recently sold homes
HP-Stratford Ridge recently sold homes
HP-Sutherland Crossing recently sold homes
HP-the at Haile recently sold homes
HP-The Preserve recently sold homes
HP-Westfield Commons recently sold homes
Idlywild recently sold homes
Idylwild recently sold homes
Idylwild Add recently sold homes
Idylwild Lane recently sold homes
Idylwild Lane Serenola recently sold homes
Idylwild South Serenola recently sold homes
Idylwild South-Addition -Serenola recently sold homes
Kanapaha Highlands recently sold homes
Kanapaha Oaks Rep Leeaire Estate Trcs 1 recently sold homes
Kanapaha Pines recently sold homes
Kanapaha Prairie Farms Western recently sold homes
Katelyn Lane recently sold homes
Kenwood recently sold homes
Kirkwood West Clinch Grnt recently sold homes
Koinonia recently sold homes
Laurel Park recently sold homes
Leeaire Estates recently sold homes
Longleaf recently sold homes
Longleaf Unit 1 Ph 1 recently sold homes
Longleaf Unit 1 Ph 2 recently sold homes
Longleaf Unit 1 Ph 2 Rep recently sold homes
Longleaf Unit 1 Ph 3 recently sold homes
Longleaf Unit 1, Phase 1 recently sold homes
Longleaf Unit 2 Ph 4 recently sold homes
Longleaf Unit 2 Ph 5 recently sold homes
Longleaf Unit 3 Ph 6 recently sold homes
Longleaf Unit 4 Ph 7 recently sold homes
Longleaf Unit 4 Ph 8 recently sold homes
Lugano recently sold homes
Lugano - Phase I recently sold homes
Lugano Ph 2 Pb 34 Pg 93 recently sold homes
Lugano Ph 3 Pb 37 Pg 54 recently sold homes
Lugano Ph I recently sold homes
Mackey & Hudson Tr Mcintosh Grant recently sold homes
Mackey & Hudson Tract recently sold homes
Madera Cluster Dev Ph 1 recently sold homes
Madera Cluster Dev Ph 2 recently sold homes
Madera Cluster Ph 3 recently sold homes
Malore Gardens recently sold homes
Marchwood recently sold homes
Meadows of Kanapaha recently sold homes
Meadows of Kanapaha Ph 2 recently sold homes
Mentone recently sold homes
Mentone Cluster Ph 6 recently sold homes
Mentone Cluster Ph 7 recently sold homes
Mentone Cluster Ph 8 recently sold homes
Mentone Cluster Ph I Repl recently sold homes
Mentone Cluster Ph Ii recently sold homes
Mentone Cluster Ph Iii recently sold homes
Mentone Cluster Ph Iv recently sold homes
Mentone Cluster Ph V recently sold homes
Mill Run recently sold homes
Namora Estates recently sold homes
Napier Grant recently sold homes
Napier Grant Idylwild Addition recently sold homes
Oakland Terrace recently sold homes
Oakmont recently sold homes
Oakmont Ph 1 Unit 1a recently sold homes
Oakmont Ph 1 Unit 1b recently sold homes
Oakmont Ph 1 Unit 1c recently sold homes
Oakmont Ph 1 Unit 1d recently sold homes
Oakmont Ph 2 recently sold homes
Oakmont Ph 2 Pb 32 Pg 30 recently sold homes
Oakmont Ph 3 recently sold homes
Oakmont Ph 3 Pb 35 Pg 60 recently sold homes
Oakmont Ph 4 Pb 36 Pg 83 recently sold homes
Oakmont Phase 1 Unit 1b recently sold homes
Oaks of Kanapaha recently sold homes
Oaks Preserve recently sold homes
Oaks Preserve Ph 1 Pb 37 Pg 66 recently sold homes
Pepper Mill recently sold homes
Peppermill recently sold homes
Pine Glade recently sold homes
Porters Court recently sold homes
Portofino recently sold homes
Portofino Cluster Ph 1 recently sold homes
Portofino Cluster Ph 2 recently sold homes
Portofino Cluster Phase 2 recently sold homes
Prairie Bluff recently sold homes
Prairie Oaks D L Clinch recently sold homes
Prairie Pointe recently sold homes
Quail Court recently sold homes
Quail Hollow recently sold homes
Quarries recently sold homes
Reserve (The) recently sold homes
Ricelands recently sold homes
Ricelands Sub recently sold homes
Rockwood Villas recently sold homes
Rockwood Villas Unit 3 recently sold homes
Rockwood Villas Unit Ii recently sold homes
Rocky Point Homesites recently sold homes
Royal Oaks recently sold homes
Savanna Pointe Ph 1 recently sold homes
Serenola Estates Amd 1st Add Serenol recently sold homes
Serenola Manor recently sold homes
Serenola Manor Unit 3 Napier recently sold homes
Serenola Manor Unit 3-A recently sold homes
Seville recently sold homes
Shafto Meadows recently sold homes
Social Square recently sold homes
Social Square Gif Clark Grant recently sold homes
Southgate Cluster Dev recently sold homes
Still Wind Cluster Ph 2 recently sold homes
Stillwind recently sold homes
Stillwind Cluster Ph I recently sold homes
Stillwinds Cluster Ph Iii recently sold homes
Sugarlane Rep 2 recently sold homes
Sunningdale recently sold homes
Sunrise recently sold homes
The Hamptons recently sold homes
The Reserve recently sold homes
The Woodlands Unit 5 Rep recently sold homes
Thousand Oaks recently sold homes
Tower 24 recently sold homes
Tower Oaks recently sold homes
Tower Oaks Arms recently sold homes
Tower Oaks Manor recently sold homes
Tower Oaks Manor Rep #2 recently sold homes
Tower Oaks Unit 1 Rep recently sold homes
Tower24 recently sold homes
Union Square recently sold homes
University Heights recently sold homes
Valwood recently sold homes
Valwood Unit 2 recently sold homes
Valwood, Unit No 2 recently sold homes
Vintage View Ph Ii recently sold homes
Vintage View Ph Iii recently sold homes
Walls Tract (D L Clinch) recently sold homes
Walls Trct recently sold homes
Wellendorf recently sold homes
Westchester Manor recently sold homes
Westwood recently sold homes
Wilds Plantation recently sold homes
Wilds Plantation Unit 3 recently sold homes
Willow Oak recently sold homes
Willow Oak Plantation recently sold homes
Wilsons Sub Miller Blk recently sold homes
Windward Meadows recently sold homes
Woodlands Sub The recently sold homes
Woodlands The recently sold homes
Woodlands Unit 6 recently sold homes
Woodlands Unit 6 Rep recently sold homes