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Alachua recently sold homes
Alachua Estates recently sold homes
Alachua Forest recently sold homes
Alachua Heights recently sold homes
Alachua Heights Alachua recently sold homes
Alachua Highlands recently sold homes
Alachua Hills recently sold homes
Alachua Hills Se recently sold homes
Alachua Meadows recently sold homes
Alachua Realty recently sold homes
Alexander Court recently sold homes
Atkinson Grt recently sold homes
Baywood Ph 1a recently sold homes
Baywood Ph 1b recently sold homes
Bland Plantation recently sold homes
Brandon Estates recently sold homes
Brandy Glenn at T C Rep recently sold homes
Briarwood recently sold homes
Briarwood Ph 1 Pb 37 Pg 33 recently sold homes
Bryan Property recently sold homes
Burnetts Lake Estates recently sold homes
C a Williams Add Alachua recently sold homes
Cadillac Estates recently sold homes
Cainwood Acres recently sold homes
Carrington Green recently sold homes
Charleston Ph 1 recently sold homes
Clarkes 1st Add to Alachua recently sold homes
College Heights recently sold homes
College Heights Addition recently sold homes
College Heights Alachua recently sold homes
College West Estates recently sold homes
Creekside Villas recently sold homes
Creekside Villas at Turkey Creek recently sold homes
Deloach Farms recently sold homes
Deloachs First Add recently sold homes
Deloachs First Addition recently sold homes
Dogwood Acres 1st Add recently sold homes
Dove Meadows recently sold homes
Downing-Alachua recently sold homes
Dry Creek recently sold homes
Dry Creek Alachua recently sold homes
East Side Sub Alachua recently sold homes
Evans Estate Richard E1/2 of Se 1/4 recently sold homes
Fairway Pointe at T C Rep 14-16 recently sold homes
Foxridge recently sold homes
Golden Pond Farms recently sold homes
Gravely Woods recently sold homes
Guinn Williams & Reeves Add recently sold homes
Guinn Williams & Reeves Sur Pb C-79a Lot recently sold homes
Guinn Williams and Reeves Addition to th recently sold homes
Guinn Wms & Reeves Survey (Alachua) recently sold homes
Guinn Wms Reeves Survey (Alachua) recently sold homes
Haile Estates Sub recently sold homes
Heritage Oaks recently sold homes
Heritage Oaks Ph 1 recently sold homes
Heritage Oaks Ph Ii recently sold homes
Hickory Lane Acres recently sold homes
Hitchcocks Add Ala recently sold homes
Hopewell Estates recently sold homes
Hunter Woods recently sold homes
Lakeview Villas recently sold homes
Laurel Farms recently sold homes
Lynwood Park recently sold homes
Meadow Glen recently sold homes
Meadow Glen Repl of Noelle Estate Ph I recently sold homes
Meadow Glen Repl of Noelle Estate Ph Ii recently sold homes
Metes & Bounds recently sold homes
Oak Ridge Crossing recently sold homes
Oakmont Estates recently sold homes
Olmstead recently sold homes
Olmstead Survey recently sold homes
Olmsteads Survey of Alachua &C-79b recently sold homes
Pilot Forest recently sold homes
Pilot Forest Ala recently sold homes
Quail Hollow Farms Units 1 & 2 recently sold homes
Quail Roost recently sold homes
Quail Roost Estates Unrec recently sold homes
R.W.H. Farms recently sold homes
Rolling Hills recently sold homes
Rolling Hills Estate Alachua 1936-193 recently sold homes
Santa Fe Forest recently sold homes
Santa Fe Hills recently sold homes
Santa Fe Station Ph 1 recently sold homes
Santa Fe Station Phase 1 recently sold homes
Savannah Station recently sold homes
Savannah Station Ph 1 recently sold homes
Savannah Station Ph 2a Unit 1 Pb 36 Pg 5 recently sold homes
Savannah Station Ph 2a Unit 2 Pb 37 Pg 5 recently sold homes
Savannah Station Ph 2b Pb 37 Pg 95 recently sold homes
Savannah Station Phase 2c recently sold homes
Shaw Farms of Alachua recently sold homes
Stonegate recently sold homes
Tara Village recently sold homes
Tara Village Pb 36 Pg 50 recently sold homes
The Halbrook Farm recently sold homes
The Oaks at Hague recently sold homes
Tompsett recently sold homes
Tompsett Surv/Alachua recently sold homes
Tompsett Survey recently sold homes
Tompsett Survey Blk 10-26 recently sold homes
Tompsett Survey Blk 27-47 recently sold homes
Tompsett's Surv/Alachua recently sold homes
Tracy Terrace recently sold homes
Trailhead Landing recently sold homes
Turkey Creek recently sold homes
Turkey Creek Club Villas recently sold homes
Turkey Creek Dry Creek recently sold homes
Turkey Creek Unit 1 Alachua recently sold homes
Turkey Creek Unit 10 Rep recently sold homes
Turkey Creek Unit 4 Alachua recently sold homes
Turkey Creek Unit 5 Rep recently sold homes
Turkey Creek Unit 6 Rep recently sold homes
University Ave Properties Inc recently sold homes
Wells Add to Alachua recently sold homes
Wells Addition recently sold homes
Wells Addn Pb recently sold homes
White Oaks Ph 1 recently sold homes
White Oaks Ph 2 recently sold homes
Windy Acres recently sold homes
Woodland Oaks recently sold homes
Wyndswept Hills recently sold homes